Thursday 27 February 2014

Strike held in cape town

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Illegal protesters have descend on Cape Town CBD. See all the latest pictures here:

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Does WhatsApp deal show Zuckerberg knows what's up?

Facebook buying messaging app WhatsApp for $19 billion

WASHINGTON -- Billionaire eco-entrepreneur Elon Musk announced on Friday that he was quitting Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg's immigration advocacy group, upset over its controversial political strategy. told The Huffington Post that a second funder also had decided to withdraw. Several media outlets have reported that David Sacks, founder of the business networking site Yammer and a former colleague of Musk's, had dropped off the list of the group's supporters.
Uganda shrugs off aid cuts over anti-gay law
what you should be eating and drinking to improve brain productivity as well.

Illustration: Underground Health Reporter
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Discover the newest addition to the GALAXY S series, the Samsung ‪#‎GALAXYS5‬, and the ‪#‎GearFit‬.

Monday 24 February 2014

In case you missed it: Researchers have targeted a specific chemical in marijuana that could treat children with epilepsy:
In the latest issue of the journal Health Policy and Planning, a team of Taiwanese academics have published the first in-depth research on the relationship between share prices and mental health. The study makes it clear that, as well as making you wealthy, the stockmarket can also make you unhealthy. Or as the researchers put it, stock-price fluctuations do drive people crazy


 Check out some of the fashion at Gauteng's state-of-the-province address. - PHOTOS


This lizard isn't afraid of a cold bath, and lives in a veritable paradise of biodiversity. Full story at

Healthy life style

Taco Bell breaks out of its shell with new breakfast menu: - Good idea? Bad idea?

Save the children

The first 24 hours of a child's life are the most dangerous. Every year one million children die on their first day of life according to Save the Children. But they say the majority of these deaths could be prevented if a trained health worker was present during child birth. 40m women globally give birth without a midwife present. And 2m of them give birth entirely alone. Is there enough support for women in childbirth in your country?

Sunday 23 February 2014


The ICC U19 Cricket World Cup Semifinal 1 - England v Pakistan - is LIVE on SS2HD & SS2.

global economist

As the outside world was digesting the deal between the Ukrainian regime and the protesters, and the unexpectedly helpful role of Russia in the European Union's mediation efforts, everything changed. President Viktor Yanukovych fled the capital, Kiev and protesters who only hours earlier had been dodging sniper bullets found themselves guarding the presidential palace


Enter the surreal world of Cuncas II, part of a 477-kilometre network of tunnels and canals being built to deliver water to parched north-eastern Brazil

current affairs

Why "revolution” has never been the right word to describe events in Kiev:

(Photo: Reuters)